Friday, January 22, 2010

Vaccine Safety What Is The Purpose Of Giving The Flu Vaccine To Guantanamo Bay Prisoners?

What is the purpose of giving the flu vaccine to Guantanamo Bay Prisoners? - vaccine safety

Other than that, what looks good internationally, and the general opinion is not as effective as the vaccine if the prison guards and security protocols have got used with limited contact?

I mean, there were only limited access to them anyway, it is a quarantine situation, to give them the vaccine is useless, because their limited access to the outside anyway, right?


Nick N said...

Another example of U.S. terrorist OBUMMER Pre departure.

Mad Max said...

You're right, it is unlikely to be infected, because they are relatively isolated.

But if they are infected, this represents a risk (albeit small) to have our military personnel, but also have been vaccinated.

The vaccination is not completely useless, studies have shown that a certain percentage of the population must be vaccinated if a vaccine will have its full effect, since even those vaccinated get sick, a little less likely.

Bekindto... said...

Since not even all American children the vaccine, the only explanation I have found get is that in the vicinity of the Guantanamo Bay of Pigs should be. (Sarcasm)

I do not think that they are very many people in the market. I wonder who thought of.

paulj53@... said...

I have a solution better and cheaper.

A bullet costs only one quarter. End of the problem.

Who could kiss her back in her mind of the enemy.
Shoot it and take it.

mom of 3 and done! said...

The swine flu is very dangerous for children and young adults. Persons over 25 years, have developed an immunity against that particular strain.

ChiIrish... said...

All I can recommend what he's international image in the safety of the workplace. When these people die, Obama have a campaign promise to close Guantanamo to close.

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